Friday, January 3, 2014

Opening GOTY 2014 - Mini Isabelle Review Time

It's a cold, windy snow day. And, I got Mini Isabelle from Target as a present yesterday.

After shovelling some snow, my sister Anna and I changed to our warmest, most cuddly jammies. We made tea, got our dolls out, and put a movie on. (The Nutcracker!)

Here I am with Julie.

Here's Anna with Molly.

Finally, it was time to open my Mini Isabelle!!!

Isabelle came in a box that looks like a big AG box. She's standing behind a plastic holder for her book, just like the big dolls do. Just like Mini Saige last year, her book is paperback instead of hardback. But, we usually get paperback GOTY books anyway, so that makes her mini book more like the big ones.

Her book looks fun. I like the illustration inside, too, of her at the ballet barre.

I think Isabelle looks nice enough, and I bet a lot of kids will like her. She's blonde (again!) but I don't have a blonde doll with eyes that are her color. Her lips are a very light pink. It's kind of weird, but her character's a dancer, so maybe it's stage makeup? The pink in her hair is one of the coolest parts of her look. I think her pink hair would have looked super cool on a doll with darker hair or skin, too, though. 

Its' blurry, but here's an idea of how they did Mini Isabelle's dip dye. There's a whole hot pink layer of hair near her neck.

You can see the pink better in this picture. I wish there was a little bit more pink, because it's harder to see on my Mini. Colored hair is really popular here, and I can buy clip-ins in almost any color I want at our local hair supply shop. (I have electric blue and hot pink!) So, I wish Isabelle's were a little easier to see. Otherwise, she looks like just another blonde doll.

I love the see-through sleeves on Isabelle's shirt, and the ballerina graphic. But, I wanted to figure out why Isabelle's shirt looks kind of bulky. I mean, it looks HUGE on her compared to the outfits I've put together for my other AG Minis.

They really worked on the neckline. There's a teeny tiny facing there, so the neckline is finished and lays flat. That's also what makes her look kinda like she's wearing shoulder pads.
Argh! I wish I could get a better close-up of that ballerina graphic. I love it!

The pants kind of have a weird gathered elastic waist. It makes her front wrinkly, but I know the gathers also help get the pants on the doll. Her shirt mostly covers that up anyway. She also has real pink undies under the silver sparkly pants. I think that's awesome. On a doll this tiny, that also adds a LOT of thickness to the doll, though. So, that explains part of all that bulk.

I think the biggest bit that makes her shirt look so bulky is the GIGANTIC double tag that is sewn into the shirt. Look how huge that is! One tag just has a number on it, the other has the American Girl logo and "Made in China." My doll herself also has two more even BIGGER tags at her waist, too. One is almost 2 inches long! 

I'd take points away on my review for the huge tags right at her waist. But, I think the law says they have to be there so AG can sell the doll. If they annoy you, it'd be pretty easy to cut them off after you buy her.

I do have a lot of blonde AG dolls already - Julie, Kit, and Kirsten. Then there's also GOTY Kailey, Nicki, Gwen, Lanie, and even McKenna, who also have lighter hair.  I was wondering if Isabelle would look too much like my Julie or Kit. Her face is the same as Kit's, but her eyes and lips are definitely different colors. And her face looks really different than Julie's.

Julie and Isabelle's hair look almost exactly the same. Isabelle's is a little bit shorter, and pulled into a half ponytail on either side. 

Here's my Julie and Isabelle together.

Overall, I recommend getting Mini Isabelle. There have already been a lot of blonde GOTY dolls, but Mini Isabelle is the first blonde mini GOTY so far.  I admit that I sure do have a lot of blonde AG dolls now, and I do hope for a Girl of the Year who's a little different next - I live in a big city, and there are just so many more girls' looks to pick from and so many colors that make for especially awesome outfits on girls with darker skin that all these light-skinned dolls are getting kind of silly!

I love that they're making Mini GOTY dolls now. It makes me want to learn more about her, even if I know I can't meet *big* Isabelle any time soon. It turns out that I really like a lot of her collection, and am starting to want some of her things for me and my Mini Isabelle. And, of course, I want to read ALL of her books!

I really like the idea of her story because Isabelle is also interested in what goes on behind the scenes in performing, just like I am. She loves making costumes! I can't wait to start making some costumes for her, too! 

Isabelle's collection is also really cool - I dream of getting her sewing machine, craft closet, and dress form for myself! Maybe I'll have to start saving up for it now.
There are mix-and-match outfits that have some neat pieces, even though I'm not a serious ballet dancer. I take Ukrainian dance lessons, which use some ballet, and I know I'd especially like some of her practice things for when I practice, if I didn't already have Marisol's practice set. But, I have some friends who REALLY love ballet, and I know her things will be popular with them
Mia's coral sweater looks especially comfy as something cuddly to wear after dance class, or even to school.

Have you seen her pjs, though?
I think her pjs remind me of Mia's - they have a "faux wrap" design just like hers. Only Isabelle's are on the pants, like this:
Which do you like better - the Purple ones or the Periwinkle ones? I can't decide which is my favorite!

Anyway, I'll be back later with more reviews. 

Have a great day from me, Anna, and some of our Minis!

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